Resources. Grief and Loss.

Weir Psychological Services, Inc.

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Weir Psychological Services, Inc.

Based in Silicon Valley, California Offering Teletherapy to California Residents during COVID-19 Pandemic

(408) 659-6354

Grief and Loss

Kara Grief Support

Palo Alto based organization providing emotional support and information to adults, teens, and children who are grieving death or coping with a life-threatening illness. Support groups, counseling, caregivers support group, etc.

Suicide loss

Fresno Survivors of Suicide Loss

Website provides excellent information and support in the aftermath of suicide.

Loss of a child

Bereaved Parents USA

A nation-wide non-profit that offers support, understanding, compassion, and hope especially to newly bereaved parents, grandparents, or siblings, after the death of their children, grandchildren, or siblings.

Center for Loss in Multiple Birth

For parents who have experienced the death of one or more, both or all of their twins or higher multiples, any time from conception through birth, infancy, and childhood.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Free remembrance photography for parents who are suffering the loss of a baby.


Miscarriage support

Miscarriage information and support. Relevant for women, their partners, and friends.

Hope Xchange

Information, resources, books, and support groups for miscarriage


I’m Grieving as Fast as I Can: How Young Widows and Widowers Can Cope and Heal

Linda Feinberg


Please note that these resources listed above are provided for informational purposes only.

This agency is not responsible for the claims, content, or representations in these websites.